{6} Christmas Conversation with Tania Kindersley, Kathy Price & Stevie Delahunt




Lovely friend, this is the final session in our Christmas Conversations series.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has joined us for the live sessions, and to my incredible guests who given so much love and energy to our time together. I am so grateful to you all.

Today, I am joined by an incredible group of women: Tania Kindersley, Kathy Price and Stevie Delahunt.

I’m sure you will enjoy this conversation as much as any other, and I can’t wait to hear about your thoughts and musings.

If you want to get in touch with any one of them, you can do so in the following places:

Tania Kindersley:

Facebook via The Red Mare

Place of Peace on Substack

Tania Kindersley on Substack 

Kathy Price:

Here on her website 

On her Facebook page here

Stevie Delahunt:

Here on Facebook

Here on Instagram @adventuristbarbie

{5} Christmas Conversation with Kimberly Carter, Brigid Piccaro & Terry Kuebler

Fabulous souls, we are back with our second to last Christmas Conversation and it’s another (christmas) cracker (I couldn’t help adding that in there).

I’m so blessed to be joined by the wonderful trio that is Kimberly Carter, Brigid Piccaro & Terry Kuebler. In all truth, I don’t know how to reduce the vast expanse of ground we covered over the course of our time together, so I will leave you to listen to it instead!

I hope you enjoy it, happy listening!

xx Jane

If you want to get in touch with anyone you heard today, here are the places to find them…

Kimberly Carter: https://stableroots.substack.com/

Terry Kuebler: https://www.terrykuebler.com/

Brigid Piccaro: redsoulmare@gmail.com

{4} Christmas Conversation with Kate Sandel, Elsa Sinclair & Chantel Prat


Fabulous souls, welcome back to the fourth session in our Christmas Conversations series. I have been having so much fun with these, I don’t want them to end!

Today I am joined by Kate Sandel, Elsa Sinclair & Chantel Prat for what was a wonderful conversation- I would love to hear your thoughts also!

Happy Listening!

xx Jane

You can find…

Kate Sandel here at Soft & Sound

Elsa Sinclair here at Taming Wild

Chantel Prat here on her website

{3} Christmas Conversations with Christine Dickson, Joell Dunlap & Robyn Schiller

Welcome back to the third conversation in our Christmas Conversations series.

Today, I am joined by the wonderful Christine Dickson, Joell Dunlap & Robyn Schiller. We are answering the questions:

What have you held close this year?

What has anchored you?

What are you being called towards?

What would you like to share?

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, happy listening!

xx Jane

You can find…

Christine on her website here or email onthepathcht@gmail.com

Joell on her website here or email joell@squarepegfoundation.org

Robyn on her website here or email robyn@warwickschiller.com

{2} Christmas Conversations with Denise Elizabeth Byron, Gareth Mare & Talya Mari

Welcome to the second episode of our Christmas Conversations series- I’m so glad that you are here!

Today I’m joined by the incredible Denise Elizabeth Byron, Gareth Mare and Tayla Mari, once again exploring the questions of…

What have you held close this year?

What has anchored you?

What are you being called towards?

What would you like to share?

I so appreciated everything that was shared and am thrilled to be able to share it with you also.

Happy listening!

xx Jane

You can find:

Gareth Mare & Talya Mari here

Denise Elizabeth Byron here

(1) Christmas Conversation with Karen Rohlf, Kathleen Beckham & Barbra Schulte


For the month of December, I’ve gathered together some of my favourite people for a Christmas Conversations Series including my three incredible friends who joined me today- Karen Rohlf, Kathleen Beckham and Barbra Schulte.

Together, we answered the following questions:

What have you held close this year?

What has anchored you?

What are you being called towards?

What would you like to share?

Hand on heart, I think this is one of my favourite conversations I’ve been part of- I really hope you enjoy it!

Happy listening!

xx Jane

You can find…

Kathleen Beckham at Ethos Equine

Karen Rohlf at Dressage Naturally

Barbra Schulte at Barbra Schulte

Want to join us live for the next conversation? If you aren’t on the list already, you can jump on it here!

The Misty Cliffs: Navigating Overwhelm

When I was considering what overwhelm feels like as an experience in the body, the image that came to mind was one of foggy, misty cliffs; a landscape where we are aware of what lies in front of us but where the weather patterns at play are preventing us from getting a clear sense of the path that we should follow and the direction we should head.

In other words, the experience of overwhelm is immobilising and removes us from the ability to act.

In this episode, we discuss the atmospheric experience of overwhelm including:

  • The indecisiveness of overwhelm, and how this creates a negative loop that compounds on itself
  • Nervous system considerations when navigating overwhelm and how listening to your body is not always the best way forward
  • Reclaiming agency and voice, and creating space between you and the experience of overwhelm

I hope you find it useful!

If you are interested in joining me in JoyRide for the course navigating overwhelm, you can learn more or sign up here.

Thanks for listening,

xx Jane

Begin, begin & begin again


What does it mean to begin?

What gets in the way of us beginning again?

How can we approach beginning with tenderness?

This episode is a contemplation, meditation on beginnings; on the challenges we face, the stories we tell ourselves, beginning as an art in and of itself.

I hope you find it useful in some way,

xx Jane

In this episode, I mention an online gathering called Circle. If you are interested in joining us or learning more, you can do so here.

On Being Enough with Barbra Schulte

Since the Western States Horse Expo, Barb and I have spent a lot of time chatting on zoom about life, horses, and the universe. Inevitably, there are many crossovers in our work; patterns and experiences we come across that inform how we approach things, beliefs and understandings that we witness either support people moving forward, or conversely, get in the way.

Our conversations on confidence led us back to a foundational piece— of being enough. This idea that ‘I am enough’ is a fundamental understanding to have and embody if we are to find ways of unpicking challenging situations, to take consistent action in support of what we love, and to rest in a place where we are able to advocate for ourselves and our horses.

And yet there is so much that gets in the way of us not only thinking that but believing in our own enough-ness.

We are so passionate about this conversation that shortly (next week!) we are holding a workshop with an additional mentoring option that we have called ‘On Being Enough: Exploring the Hearth Of Confidence with Horses & With Yourself’.

In this episode, we talk about what we mean when we say the word ‘confidence’ and how it is we go about developing a sense of ‘enough-ness’

I hope you enjoy it, you can tune in by searching the Confident Rider Podcast on your fave podcast app or via the link below.

xx Jane

You can learn more or sign up for our workshop here.

Of Mind, Body & Spirit: On Conversations Outside of the Expected in the Horse Expo & Training World


Over the course of 3 days at the Western States Horse Expo, I presented a series of one-hour presentations that spanned everything from returning from injury, to processing big emotions, to looking at the way the nervous system affects our biomechanics. My designated area was the Mind, Body, Spirit tent, one of 3 presentation and seminar tents that sat next to the main arena.

The overall expo lineup was a big one. Each time slot was filled with options of coaches, trainers and clinicians that felt impossible to choose from- and yet despite this the Mind, Body, Spirit tent remained one of the most well frequented and packed out of the entire event.

From a personal perspective, my time at the expo was brilliant in no small part to the people I got to share it with– so when we had the thought to discuss what it meant for the horse industry to include a focus on all things mind, body & spirit, it felt only right to do so together with some of my crew!

Consequently, this episode is something of a podcast party! I’m joined by the incredible Brigid Piccaro, Terry Kuebler, Lori Justin, Joelle Dunlap, Robyn Schiller & Christine Dickson. Our conversation spans a lot of territory, kicking off with what it means to have such large events include conversations that span outside what traditionally might be expected.

I hope you enjoy it!

xx Jane

To get in touch:

For Jane Pike: www.confidentrider.online

For Robyn Schiller: www.warwickschiller.com

For Joell Dunlap: www.squarepegfoundation.org

For Lori Justin: www.saddlefitrevolution.com 

For Terry Kuebler: https://www.terrykuebler.com/

For Christine Dickson: www.onthepathcoaching.net


Expo Reflections: On Teaching & Learning with Barbra Schulte

Lovely people, it felt a little strange to just roll into the next episode of the podcast without mentioning what I’d been up to the last little while. I considered sitting on my lonesome and giving you a debrief (**yawn**) and then had the most excellent idea to contact some of my people and see if they wanted to join me too.

With that in mind, with me today is Cutting Horse Royalty, Human Who Epitomises Grace (these all require capital letters), a fabulous friend and someone with a dry and mischievous sense of humour (all my favourite things), Barbra Schulte.

If you are yet to fall in love with Barb, here’s a little bit about her…

Barbra Schulte is a Professional Cutting Horse Trainer, Personal Performance Coach, Author, Clinician, and Equine Consultant. Among her many accolades, in 2000 Barbra was awarded the prestigious National Female Equestrian of the Year Award given by the American Quarter Horse Association in conjunction with the Women’s Sports Foundation. This honor recognized outstanding performance and leadership in a female equestrian.

In 2012 she was inducted into the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame, one of the most prestigious awards available for women equestrians for outstanding career accomplishments.

I talk with Barb about our experience together at the Western States Horse Expo, discuss what she most loves teaching and how it is our work has influenced us both personally and professionally.

I hope you enjoy it!

You can learn more about Barb or get in touch with her on her website.

xx Jane


Allowing Yourself To Be Moved: On Creative Practices as Portals for Transformation & Wellbeing

Modern understandings of anatomy and physiology have allowed us to know our body and mind in ways that have not understood previously. Whilst this is a blessing that sees both horses and humans able to function in a way that maximizes health and wellness, we have to take care that the same information that seeks to liberate does not become reductive. Where we are reduced to a body mobilized by a nervous system and brain and forget that we are so much more beyond that.

Our creativity, our intuition, the imaginative and the symbolic are, equal to the touchable and the visceral, a huge part of what makes up the magic and mystery of being human. A huge part of what allows us to make sense of the world, our place in it, and to both open and close loops of experience that may be swimming in the pool of our unconscious.

When we approach or seek out work that allows us to lead full and vital lives, to reconcile upsetting or traumatic experience, or to find a way through a real and present challenge, what we are looking for is safe passage; ways to be moved from the point that we find ourselves in now to a different space—a space that allows us more choices and gives us back our agency and voice.

Creative expression offers this, both as an organizing, physical movement and an internal movement. It allows us to leave a different person from how we came.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • A personal experience I had this week with writing that I found transformative on every level
  • How creative expression can allow us to close open loops of experiences that are keeping us stuck
  • The need for creative expression as part of a full and vital life

I hope you enjoy it!

Happy listening,

xx Jane

Question: What are the ways to feel safe within vulnerability?

I found out recently that the phrase “heart on your sleeve” is, in part, from Shakespeare’s play Othello— we have just conveniently lopped off the other half of the sentence which goes on to say “…for the daws to peck at”.

These words are uttered by one of the most villainous characters in the play, who, in the process of confessing to treacherous acts, remarks that by wearing his heart upon his sleeve, which he says to mean the act of truly exposing himself or opening himself up, he would be inviting crows to peck away at him. As a consequence, he opts to keep his true emotions and intentions hidden.

While the treachery might not be entirely relatable, the idea of opening yourself up to the crows by speaking the truth of your insides might hit closer to home.

In JoyRide this morning, I asked if anyone had anything they would like me to speak to on the podcast, and Leana posted:

Ways to feel safe within vulnerability

I love this as a conversation launch point because there is so much to be said for safeguarding practices around vulnerable experiences and the process of ‘opening up’, the depth of which I only skim the surface of in this episode. Vulnerability has become somewhat of a cultural catchphrase, but the reality of what it takes to be vulnerable- and for that to be truly held- is much more complex and nuanced than perhaps we consider or allow for.

The world is hungry for vulnerability- on social media, in the arts (music, writing, music) etc, in life- but in the midst of the desire for its production and consumption, there is sometimes little to hold it at the other end. In some instances, vulnerability has become yet another commodity, another product ready for consumption without wider conversations around what our collective and community responsibility might be if we find ourselves on the receiving end of vulnerable expression.

On a personal level, vulnerability needs to be shared with discernment. Our energy is precious and to be vulnerable is another level of energy cultivation that can be depleting if not experienced in a context where that same energy is contained, and then beyond that offered back.

With that in mind…

What does it mean to be vulnerable?

How do we share our vulnerability with discernment?

And what is our collective and community responsible for both the vulnerable and vulnerability both?

I hope you enjoy it!

You can listen to the podcast on your favourite podcast app, or by clicking the link below

❤️ Jane

Links referred to in this conversation

JoyRide: www.confidentrider.online/joyride

Substack & Interwoven: janepike.substack.com

On Time, Space & Bigger Questions with Tania Kindersley & Kathy Price

Lovely people, I’m back– Both on the airways with the Confident Rider Podcast more generally speaking, and with two of my favourites, the incredible Tania Kindersley and Kathy Price. If you are familiar with our catch ups from the past you will know that the usual format runs to something like the following:

 What do you think we should talk about?

I’m not sure, what do you think?

I’m not sure either?

Shall we just hit record and see what happens?

Yes, let’s.

So here we are, hitting record and seeing what happens!

Given the nature of good friends, similar interests and desires for conversations that do more than skim across the surface level, we inevitably find things get interesting quite quickly.

 Over the course of our meandering conversations, we discuss:

  • What is it we mean when we say that we are always learning from our horses?
  • What does it mean to live a live that feels spacious?
  • What is your relationship to time? How does it differ between horses and humans?
  • How might the creative process apply to our relationship with our horses?

I hope you enjoy it!

❤️ Jane

I Dissent: A Letting Go Of Patterns

The first thing to emerge was my hand, reaching across the room to find my phone. 4:56 am. A little surge of success welled up inside me. Intercepting the alarm increases my ability to not wake the other sleeping people. As a 5 am riser, I’m the first in my household to awake, the movement from bed to desk a strategic mission of sorts.

Our house, a little brick bungalow built in the 1960’s, likes to talk as I walk through. There’s a particular snaking pattern I make along the floorboards; stay closer to the door of my bedroom, take it wide as I move past the boys. The pattern of maintaining silence.

Closing the door to the kitchen takes about 5 seconds; any faster and the door creaks; any slower and it catches in a way that’s loud enough to wake the smallest of sleeping ears and rouse them up.

I’ve spent many dollars on mugs, and yet the one I choose to drink from every morning is the cheapest one I’ve bought. A $2 mug from a discount shop that holds just the right amount of coffee and has the required size and feel. I’m selective about my mugs. The texture, the thickness of the rim, the roundness, and the shape. It all matters. It contributes to the experience and the taste.

I carry my mug, my notebook, and my book up the winding path to my office. To the human eye, I’m creeping. To the spider world, I’m an abomination. A whirlwind of destruction breaking the gentle threads of silk that have been woven overnight from plant to plant.

I sit on my chair and open my computer. Already, I feel like I’m behind. While everyone around me sleeps, I notice the descension of all the things. The writing wanting to be done, the sessions needing to be taught. The activities involved to mothering and being with the boys. The emails and the things, gathered in my stomach like a firm and solid rock.

But this morning, rebellion. I know this feeling. She and I have danced together many times. There’s a real and present tension between the life we are committed to and the patterns that present.

My pattern: Of overwork, of feeling like I can never do enough, like time is on the run.

The life I am committed to: Of noticing, of deep attention, of gratitude, of creativity. Of surrendering to the landscape around me and learning more about my place.

So, this morning, I dissent.

I take myself away from the computer and all the things. I throw a jacket over my pajamas and go outside. Through the long and thickening grass slightly wilting with the dew. Underneath the Manuka and Kanuka, their blossoming flowers appearing like sprinkled icing sugar on dark branches overnight. Through the gate and across the field to my horses, all standing in communion.

They wait together, doing nothing. View finding. They lick and chew. Peaceful. I stand and join them. And I remember to remember. These are the moments I live for. They dissolve the moments of angst and concern that are not real.

Soundbites of reconnection. Experiences of seeming nothingness that demonstrate the everything. Moments we must remember to take when it feels like have the least amount of time available to do so.

When the old patterns arise, I will dissent. When life convinces me, it is something to be endured rather than enjoyed, I will dissent.

And I will show up here, and I will write about it, as a reminder to those wanting to hold hands and do the same.


❤️ Jane

Birds Coast When They Can

There’s a beautiful phrase that I hold gently in my hands, that I’ve adopted as one of my mottos for living.

“Birds coast when they can”.

Every time I say it out loud to myself, I’m met with the glorious vision of a bird in flight, that proves these words to be true.

Birds coast where they can is a reminder to let yourself be supported.

A reminder to look for opportunities for ease, and where you, yourself, may be complicating things in a way that isn’t necessary. Doing too much for what is required.

Where are the opportunities for you to coast?

How can you allow yourself to be carried?

And what are all the ways you argue against allowing this to be the case?

xx Jane

Chattering With Kathy Price: Evolution, Intention & The Planless Plan

Peeps, I’m back with one of my favourite humans, the most loveliest Kathy Price!

Kathy and I are teaching a workshop together this weekend, and in our pre-workshop prep decided we could scoop the cream off the top of our conversation and sit down and chatter with you on the podcast.

Over the course of our meandering conversation, we talk about:

  • The evolution of our work and business
  • The principles that we follow that inform our life and work
  • The application of energy and intention to our decision making processes

We hope you enjoy it!

If you want to join us for our workshop, you can sign up here.

And if you want to get in touch with Kathy, you can find her here.

Happy listening!

❤️ Jane (and Kathy!)


Discussing Movement Patterns & Pathways (& Why They Should Interest You)

The possibilities for your horse to move functionally and in a way that promotes health and wellness exist only within the range that he is balanced; our job as riders, then, is not only to facilitate balance in them in order that they can carry us without compromising themselves, and to ensure that our balance point matches theirs.

The area of study that I’ve involved myself in is really interested in the movement of the fascial trains and the path of movement that the body follows when it is in the parasympathetic, or not in fight flight. The key element that we pay attention to is the movement of the centreline and the arc that the centreline follows to produce healthy movement patterns.

In this episode, we discuss movement patterns and their relationship to the nervous system: how your nervous system manifests in movement, why understanding movement pathways is important and how we can use that knowledge to create ways of moving and riding that optimise harmony and health, physically, mentally & emotionally.

I hope you enjoy it! If you want to learn and explore more, we expand on these understandings in my membership program JoyRide. You can learn more by visiting here.


❤️ Jane

The Omen Days (and back with Season 3!)

Beautiful people, it’s been a hot minute since we were last on the podcast airwaves. I’m super excited to be back for Season 3, and to share with you all the thoughts, musings and conversations that are swirling round my brainspace.

Before we get into that though…

At this time of year, it can be really easy to fall into “achievement energy”; the feeling that we have to set our resolutions, refine our goals and have things sorted out for the new year. The conversation I want to have with you today is an invitation to, well, not do that.

And the framework I want to offer in its place is one I stumbled upon recently and have been practicing in the moments since.

Omen Days are an ancient Celtic tradition that were practiced in the 12 days from the 26th December to the 6th January. They rest on the foundation of bearing witness, and of deep noticing. Of the land, the animals we share it with and the greater world around us.

In this podcast, we discuss the nature of Omen Days and how we can use it as a reminder to slow down, observe and begin the new year from a place of enoughness.

I hope you enjoy it!

Much love,

❤️ Jane

Necessary Messes, The Illusion Of Failure, & Letting Yourself Learn: A Conversation with Kate Sandel

Kate Sandel is back on the podcast! In less than a week’s time, Kate and I are co-teaching at a three-day clinic called Camp of the South, in Devon, UK. Initially we had the idea to record a conversation together to send to participants of the camp as a “here’s some helpful information” type spiel but it quickly became obvious that our chattering extended far beyond the limits of those three days to encompass the broader expectations we might have in learning environments, what it takes to be open to learning and what we consider to be “the best way to show up” as a student.

In this episode, we discuss:

🌷 What is takes to develop a “teachable mindset”

🌷 The necessary mess of the learning process (and how to embrace it)

🌷 How there is no such thing as failure

🌷The benefit of honesty and vulnerability in teaching environments

🌷 Discovering the joy (and challenge) of movement for both horses and humans

For those of you yet to discover the delight that is Kate Sandel, Kate runs a thriving equine business in the UK and internationally. She had trained for several years with French classical master, Philippe Karl, as well as honing her horsemanship skills with a variety of incredible teachers. She is also a qualified equine sports massage therapist and her background in mental health means she values the wellbeing of both humans and horses in a riding partnership.

You can find Kate at www.softandsound.org

Happy listening!

❤️ Jane

Energy, The Mystical & The Magical with Denise Elizabeth Byron & Kathy Price

It’s a party people! A few weeks back, I had the hankering to have a pod conversation talking about energy, the mystical and the magical, and the two people who immediately sprang to mind were Denise Elizabeth Byron and Kathy Price.

Denise I have known for a few years now, meeting her for the first time when I went to stay with Robyn Schiller and skipping along to an astrology session that blew my mind. After that, we all convened at the chocolate shop in town and well… if there’s a better way to cement a friendship, I’m not sure I’ve found it yet.

If you are yet to be introduced, Denise is a psychic, visionary guide, and mentor with over 30 years’ experience, using astrological patterns to illuminate each client’s unique pathway to embody the magic of their life purpose more confidently.

And if you’ve been around the tracks on my podcast for any amount of time, you will already be acquainted with the fabulousness that is Kathy Price- what would this conversation be without her! Kathy’s business is called Point of Balance, and she has been studying and researching the world of energetic modalities for a number of years now.

The aim of Kathy’s work is to help human and animal systems that she’s working with, whichever of those applies to find its own unique point of balance and to help itself come back into health and vitality on every level, be that physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Over the course of our conversation we cover:

  •     Their different approaches to working with people, the tangible aspects of energetic connection and how information “shows up”
  •     Parsing apart “what is mine and what is yours” when working with energy
  •     Allowing time for creative expression, rest and rejuvenation

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

You can find Denise here: www.deniseelizabethbyron.com

You can find Kathy here: www.kathyprice.co.uk

❤️ Jane


Barbra Schulte: On Performance, Loss & Love

There are so many ways to introduce Barbra Schulte. You could start with the incredible work she does coaching riders, helping them develop mental strategies to get the best out of themselves and their horses. Or you could talk about her many outstanding accolades in the cutting horse arena, including her induction in the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame in 2012. But what I love most about Barbra is the warmth, love and kindness she exudes and the way she’s shows up in the world. Beyond everything, that is what impresses me the most.

I was fortunate to meet Barbra relatively recently, at the Journey On Podcast Summit in November of 2022. Listening to her talk, and then later having conversations with her, I instantly fell in love. I was so thrilled to have her agree to come on the podcast because there were things I wanted to talk about with her that extended beyond her work, her horses and what she teaches.

I wanted to hear more about the behind the scenes of her life, about her beautiful son Zane and their story, and what made her tick.

Over the course of our conversation we discuss:

  • Her life growing up with horses, her discovery of the Human Performance Institute and the impact that had on her life and work
  • Her son Zane, the impact of his life and death, and her journey with the experience of grief
  • Navigating life with trust and love

I hope you enjoy listening to this conversation as much as I enjoyed having it.

❤️ Jane

I’ll See You Up The Mountain: Notes On Grief

As many of you who follow along with my adventures will already know, at the start of this year I lost my beautiful Irish horse, Bear. Following on from that day, I shared my experiences and thoughts in series of Facebook live sessions that spanned the course of a couple of weeks, which led me to conversations, understandings, and a level of awareness that I would never have gained if I had chosen to keep my feelings to myself.

This experience was overwhelming in the best possible way. People shared with me their stories of loss and their personal experiences of grief. But was I felt most acutely was the love. Love not only sent to me and my little Irish pony, but a love that was unifying, gratifying and uplifting.

 I guess death is funny like that. It brings into sharp focus everything that’s important and allows the superfluous to simply drop away.

 I thought to record a separate episode on grief and I’m sure I will still do this. But the live session captures an “in the moment” experience that is impossible to emulate from a different vantage point. So, in an effort to continue to send conversations on grief, loss and death out into the ether- conversations we are intrinsically terrible at in western society- I offer them to you now in the hope that they will land where they are supposed to, with whoever it is that needs to hear them.

 The nature of the live recordings means that the audio is imperfect at times, but hopefully their value extends beyond that. Amongst other things we discuss:

     – The duality of experience: how grief and loss can co-exist with happiness and joy (and why it’s important to understand this)

      – The invitation of loss and hardship

     – Dealing with guilt within the loss

    – My personal experiences with loss and death

Much love to you all,

❤️ Jane

A Dolly Lama Session with Tania Kindersley & Kathy Price



Are you ready for us?! I’m joined back on the pod this week with two of my besties who you no doubt are well familiar with already- the most amazing Kathy Price and the infinitely regal Tania Kindersley.

 Kathy, Tania and myself are regularly chattering about all things life, horses and the universe, and whenever one of us is stuck or needs an ear, the call goes out over the WhatsApp airwaves saying, I need a DollyLama conversation! And when one hears this cry, one knows that they need to pay attention.

The Dolly Lama talks began a couple of years back when we were discussing what a superb human Dolly Parton is, and how the perfect cross between a human being would be Dolly and the Dalai Lama. Thus the phrase “Dolly Lama” was coined, and the Dolly Lama chats was basically us doing our best to make sense of this whole human-ing experience.

On that thread, when we all got together for this podcast, I couldn’t really do anything else other than to call it a Dolly Lama session. And with most of our conversations, we cover a lot of territory with much giggle snorting in between.

 Amongst other things, we talk about:

  •   The movement away from seeking outward validation and people pleasing patterns
  • The liberation of living with authenticity and integrity
  • How your perspective creates your reality

I hope you enjoy it!

You can find Kathy on her website here.

And you can find Tania on her Red Mare page here.

Happy listening!

❤️ Jane