Of Mind, Body & Spirit: On Conversations Outside of the Expected in the Horse Expo & Training World

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Over the course of 3 days at the Western States Horse Expo, I presented a series of one-hour presentations that spanned everything from returning from injury, to processing big emotions, to looking at the way the nervous system affects our biomechanics. My designated area was the Mind, Body, Spirit tent, one of 3 presentation and seminar tents that sat next to the main arena.

The overall expo lineup was a big one. Each time slot was filled with options of coaches, trainers and clinicians that felt impossible to choose from- and yet despite this the Mind, Body, Spirit tent remained one of the most well frequented and packed out of the entire event.

From a personal perspective, my time at the expo was brilliant in no small part to the people I got to share it with– so when we had the thought to discuss what it meant for the horse industry to include a focus on all things mind, body & spirit, it felt only right to do so together with some of my crew!

Consequently, this episode is something of a podcast party! I’m joined by the incredible Brigid Piccaro, Terry Kuebler, Lori Justin, Joelle Dunlap, Robyn Schiller & Christine Dickson. Our conversation spans a lot of territory, kicking off with what it means to have such large events include conversations that span outside what traditionally might be expected.

I hope you enjoy it!

xx Jane

To get in touch:

For Jane Pike: www.confidentrider.online

For Robyn Schiller: www.warwickschiller.com

For Joell Dunlap: www.squarepegfoundation.org

For Lori Justin: www.saddlefitrevolution.com 

For Terry Kuebler: https://www.terrykuebler.com/

For Christine Dickson: www.onthepathcoaching.net


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