Chattering With Kathy Price: Evolution, Intention & The Planless Plan

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Peeps, I’m back with one of my favourite humans, the most loveliest Kathy Price!

Kathy and I are teaching a workshop together this weekend, and in our pre-workshop prep decided we could scoop the cream off the top of our conversation and sit down and chatter with you on the podcast.

Over the course of our meandering conversation, we talk about:

  • The evolution of our work and business
  • The principles that we follow that inform our life and work
  • The application of energy and intention to our decision making processes

We hope you enjoy it!

If you want to join us for our workshop, you can sign up here.

And if you want to get in touch with Kathy, you can find her here.

Happy listening!

❤️ Jane (and Kathy!)


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