{6} Christmas Conversation with Tania Kindersley, Kathy Price & Stevie Delahunt

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Lovely friend, this is the final session in our Christmas Conversations series.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has joined us for the live sessions, and to my incredible guests who given so much love and energy to our time together. I am so grateful to you all.

Today, I am joined by an incredible group of women: Tania Kindersley, Kathy Price and Stevie Delahunt.

I’m sure you will enjoy this conversation as much as any other, and I can’t wait to hear about your thoughts and musings.

If you want to get in touch with any one of them, you can do so in the following places:

Tania Kindersley:

Facebook via The Red Mare

Place of Peace on Substack

Tania Kindersley on Substack 

Kathy Price:

Here on her website 

On her Facebook page here

Stevie Delahunt:

Here on Facebook

Here on Instagram @adventuristbarbie

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