Setting Your Intention: A Guided Meditation

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?A gift for you!

I thought we could take a little moment together and do a shared, guided meditation. Be aware that within the aloneness, you are very much not alone, and within the non-idealness that might be happening right now, we are very much together in this.

And that it’s possible for us to find new ways of going about things, new ways of connecting, of understanding our minds and our hearts so that we are not only better equipped to navigate the situation that we find in front of us, but we’re better equipped to be able to reenter the fold with our horses, with our loved ones, with our work, with whatever presents as we shift out of this phase also, and into whatever lies ahead.

So here it is- your invitation to spend ten minutes of calm, balance and connection with me as we go about our day.

And if you want to spread the love, please share this! I would love to get this out to as many ears who need it as possible.

Have the best day possible!


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