Routine! It used to be a word that I turned my nose up at, but these days, routine and I are pretty much BFFs. With so many of us finding ourselves well outside of our normal routines currently, it’s important that we seek out and create some form of structure in our day so we don’t find ourselves floating around in free-form, crazy-making territory!
What it comes down to is this: When you have a lot of time on your hands and not a lot of variety in terms of how you can spend it, it’s easy to get into a routine that follows the path of least resistance and leaves you feeling under-nourished mentally, emotionally and physically (hello endless watching of TV and scrolling the internet!). As humans, two of our base needs is to have a sense of purpose and to experience a sense of progress. Both of these are possible to cultivate, we just need to be intentional in how we are using our time.
The other thing that I consider uber important? Taking care of your nervous system. Right now, I believe self-care is part of our community and global responsibility. This is a time where our considered responses, our creativity and our ability to care for each other are needed more than ever. We aren’t able to do any of those things in any constructive way if we are anxious, overwhelmed and strung out.
In this episode, I run you through some important things to consider to create purpose, structure and wellness in your day, and how you can go about creating a routine in a somewhat routine-less world right now.
Happy listening!
Some links I referred to:
Freedom With Structure: Healthy Habits For Sanity & Wellness Blog