Coming Back To Ourselves: Cultivating A Sense Of Safety In The Midst Of Distress & Concern

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Given the current state of affairs with a global pandemic and the likes, I thought that the obvious place to start this episode was sharing my current obsession (read: past obsession. I’ve since eaten them all) with chocolate-coated raspberries. These amazing creatures were dropped off in my letterbox by a beautiful friend and have brightened all my days since with their outrageous deliciousness.

Although that IS a massively important topic, it’s not the key ones that I want to share in this episode. Aside from all getting together, swearing out loud and screwing up our faces in a kind of “can you believe this?!” kind of expression (the first is banned, but the other two it is possible to do remotely) I wanted to talk about just how important it is to be able to cultivate an internal sense of safety and control so we can navigate the situation we find ourselves in as gracefully and easefully as possible.

The thing is, right now, we have an enormous opportunity to be part of the solution, and that begins with taking care of your body, heart, and mind so that you show up for the day to day in a way that is sustainable, be of the highest service so you can be there for those who need what you have to offer, be a conduit for creative solutions and contribute to the beneficial flow of energy that is so needed right now.

If that sounds like something you could use, we get into the hows and whys of how to make that happen, including:

⭐️ How to create nervous system calm: I run you through a practical process for re-embodiment and getting out of your head and back into your body

⭐️ The importance of self-care: Why self-care is not only vital for you as an individual right now, but is part of your community and global responsibility

⭐️ How to reestablish control in an environment that feels the opposite

I hope you get a lot out of it. If you have any questions, please hit me up in the comments. And if there’s anything I can do to help, just let me know!

One more thing: I would so appreciate it if you share this. I think these tools are really needed at the moment so please send on the flow of love if that feels right for you.


❤️ Jane

In this session, I mentioned the Be The Wellness Series that ran live and is available for you to sign up to now. Click here to check it out.

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