Thoughts On Failing

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You know, Dee tells me, it seems to me that humans worry about failing a lot.

We ride softly across the sand.

Huh, I tell him. You’re right. That’s definitely a thing.

Do you know, he continues, what the only true failures are?

I pause to let him go on.

Failures of kindness and failures of courage. Those are the only failures that really pain the spirit.

You’re right, I tell him, you’re right.

But you know the beautiful thing? He adds after a moment.

Those are both things that the heart can control.

We’re silent for a moment.

I feel like my heart just relaxed, I whisper to him.

It did, he tells me. It did.

Find the little moments that steer you towards joy, he drops in. Don’t let the big-ness of reality convince you that you have to be anything more than you are right now.

I won’t, I tell him. I won’t.

Onwards, Jane.

Onwards, Dee. Thanks for everything.

❤️ Jane



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