How to safeguard your dreams (and build the confidence to follow through on them)

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Dreams! What are yours?! This time of year, we naturally think, hear and plan more for around our goals and aspirations than any other. Often, though, the tricky part is not actually creating the goal in the first place but developing the confidence to follow through on them. In this episode, we chat about exactly that including:

⭐️ The importance of being discerning about who you share your dreams with (and why it’s important!)
⭐️ Infusing the spirit of play and no-big-deal-ness into your actions moving forward
⭐️ How and when to create your plan so you aren’t ruled by the mood of the moment

Let me know what you think! What are some common stuck points for you in bringing your dreams to life? Let’s chatter about it and I will see if I can help!

❤️ Jane

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