On Time, Space & Bigger Questions with Tania Kindersley & Kathy Price

Lovely people, I’m back– Both on the airways with the Confident Rider Podcast more generally speaking, and with two of my favourites, the incredible Tania Kindersley and Kathy Price. If you are familiar with our catch ups from the past you will know that the usual format runs to something like the following:

 What do you think we should talk about?

I’m not sure, what do you think?

I’m not sure either?

Shall we just hit record and see what happens?

Yes, let’s.

So here we are, hitting record and seeing what happens!

Given the nature of good friends, similar interests and desires for conversations that do more than skim across the surface level, we inevitably find things get interesting quite quickly.

 Over the course of our meandering conversations, we discuss:

  • What is it we mean when we say that we are always learning from our horses?
  • What does it mean to live a live that feels spacious?
  • What is your relationship to time? How does it differ between horses and humans?
  • How might the creative process apply to our relationship with our horses?

I hope you enjoy it!

❤️ Jane