What to do when anxiety takes over when you’re riding

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The Question: When anxiety starts to take over when riding, what do you feel is the quickest and most effective way to distract from those feelings?

Answer in the video below! ????‍♀️

Want to submit your own question? You can do so via the form link here and I will make a video telling you the “one thing” that I consider the most important or relevant thing to pay attention to. There are no catches, you can be anonymous if you want (just skip past the name bit), just some straight up advice speed coaching style!

Let’s get started…

❤️ Jane

2 thoughts on “What to do when anxiety takes over when you’re riding

  1. Jane this is great great great! Never mind it’s more than one thing:) I’ve overcome so much collaborating with you virtually and was surprised recently to find myself in such a moment at the least likely spot of all. I will be able to use this tomorrow! Thank you.

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