On Embracing The Power & The Forward

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“You have gaits, use them! There is nothing more frustrating for the horse than being held back from expressing his natural gaits”

Driving back from an appointment in town yesterday afternoon seemed like an unlikely time to have one of those “moments”, but nonetheless, I did. All of the sudden, in my mind’s eye, I transported myself to 20 years’ time, when Dee and I (good fortune prevailing) would be in the twilight years of our time together.

I pictured myself thinking how lucky I was to have had such a wonderful horse and the things that I had been grateful for. How I wanted to do it over again. And I realized, at that moment, that the position that I was sitting in now was the one that I would no doubt yearn to be in later. That right now, I was in the creative part of the story, rather than the reflective one.

I’ve always considered myself to be all in, but at that moment, I reaffirmed my commitment to get out of my own way and enjoy myself with my horse. In my lesson on the weekend, one of the quotes that stuck out in my mind (a paraphrase of a quote directed to my instructor Susie Walker from Phillipe Karl) was:

“You have gaits, use them! There is nothing more frustrating for the horse than being held back from expressing his natural gaits”

Often, in our own self-protection, we shut down our horse’s free-flowing forward and only allow them to demonstrate a limited version of what’s possible. I believe, metaphorically speaking, we do this to ourselves also.

My resolve was to no longer participate in this shutdown. To embrace the forward and to practice moving with the flow, instead of resisting it or suppressing it for some illusory form of control.

In physical terms, that means encouraging and acclimatizing to the power my horse naturally shows. To getting out and about and adventuring.

In emotional terms, it means acknowledging the internal resistance that comes up but allowing its edges to soften. Not giving it more power than my desire for its counterpart.

We have gaits. Best we be using them.

Onwards (and forwards!)

❤️ Jane

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