Boredom Is A Great Healer

Boredom is a great healer. It can indicate you are standing on the edge of a precipice. That new territory that once felt far away is now available.
A story for you to show you what I mean:
A little while back I was teaching a clinic and we all sat down in circle to introduce ourselves. As often happens, conversation turned to the past; of what had motivated people to come, of their histories that had led them to the point that they found themselves in now.
When the time came for me to speak, I found myself wanting to say very little. All my previous stories no longer felt relevant. But even more than that, I was bored of them. Bored of talking about the past. Bored of what had happened to me years previous that led me to the work I am doing now.
Not in a disrespectful way but in a way of it was just… done. I didn’t feel the need nor want to talk about it anymore. I was onto other things.
The French psychologist Pierre Janet suggested that story was not a thing but an action:
‘The action of telling the story’.
And when they action has run its course (when they action is ‘successful’) this leads to the ‘stage of liquidation’. In other words, the story has done what it needed to do, and it is no longer ‘alive’ in our body.
This point, I believe, is a necessary one to get to in order to open yourself up to other things. To allow experiences to be restored to the context of the past, and for the energy of the present and possible future to be in flow again.
To be bored of oneself is a sign that shifts are possible.
That things that once felt solid are now ready to dissolve.