There are certain landscapes that I walk through where I know that I’m little more than a very brief visitor. You’re not meant to stay here, the hills and mosses tell me, and I respect them, making my footsteps lighter, my strides slightly quicker.
The landscape does not need me here, want me here, I know.
There are other places that I pass through, buildings that I see, stories that I hear, and I feel an instant kinship. A part of my body knows, recognizes, and calls out, I’m so glad to see you again, it’s been ages. I’ve missed you. Despite the fact we’ve never met before.
We hear a lot of talk about the stories we make up, the stories that define us, the stories that limit us, but we don’t often talk of the stories we arrived with.
I often wonder though, what stories are already held in the earth of our bodies. What stories breathed us into being. What stories looked out through our eyes before we really knew what we were seeing in an effort to be known in this form, in this life, in this time.
Stories looking to either find their ending or be continued on.
On the most recent retreat I was fortunate enough to co-host with Rupert Isaacson, I sat with an incredible group of people and shared stories. And because we do not exist indistinct from those who came before us and their experiences, I heard of the dreams, aspirations, and challenges of not only those present but of those whose families we’re born or arrived into.
It’s a challenging thing to look back objectively, without labelling someone or something good or bad, right, or wrong, an encumbrance or a letdown. Especially in situations where it’s family on whom we cast our lens.
To look back and see the limits of a situations, the lack of skills to deal with an emotional reality in the moment it was relevant, the loss of dreams, the stuckness of certain situations. The many wantings of people never in a position to have them fulfilled.
When we talk of our stories, we’re mostly always looking forward. To create a narrative that best serves us, that allows for more expansion, for more possibility. To create a healing in this moment in order that the future be brighter, less encumbered, more free.
I believe the same is true of the reverse.
That every time we shed a limiting belief, a limiting situation; that every time we take half a step beyond our current self to grab something that we want, or to move towards what we love; that every time we allow ourselves that fortune, the current of that experience lightening rods into the ground effecting not only everything moving forward, but everything moving back.
Healing occurs moving forward, but we also heal in reverse.
For familial lines, ancient lines we may never have seen or touched. But nonetheless exist within the clay of our bodies.
The work may be individual, but the effect is universal. A special kind of magic.
You doing the work is for everyone.
❤️ Jane