I get a lot of questions asking if my programs are suitable for someone who isn’t currently riding, is returning from injury, is “just” working with their horse on the ground. And the answer is always and emphatically, absolutely.
The thing is that even if we identify as having challenges that are directed related to an experience in the saddle, our particular brand of struggle will be making itself known in many other ways.
Anxiety, if we’ve come to identify that are somewhat of a “feature” for us, is very rarely contained to a singular experience in our life. It leaks in to all other areas.
If we find ourselves losing our tempers or consistently frustrated, I can lay money on the fact that’s not just happening in the arena.
And if we feel like we’ve lost a sense of ourselves and feel fragile and afraid, that same loss of agency is not compartmentalized.
The skills that I work with have their practice grounds in all areas of life. As we increase our capacity overall, we find our resilience and robustness hold weights in situations and circumstances that we never expected to be positively impacted.
We get to play wherever we find ourselves standing.
❤️ Jane