There’s a huge, generative energy behind the belief that whatever you are naturally moved by also loves you back.
I first heard about this idea through the incredible work of Robin Wall Kimmerer who posed the question:
What if you thought the earth loved you back?
A call to see this glorious planet that we are blessed to call home not as inert or unfeeling, but an animate force we are in conversation with.
I’ve since applied this magical understanding to most of everything that matters to me:
To the creative process, to process more generally speaking, to learning. I guess you could say that I’ve applied it to life.
Doing so serves as a consistent reminder that I’m not doing this alone. That whatever I’m engaged with, however you choose to label it, is an experience of collaboration with the forces and energies that have conspired to work and play with me also.
That we’re in this together.
Which, to be honest, feels like a huge relief.