Training For Mind, Body & Spirit with Ellie O’Brien

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It’s another person of radness in this week’s podcast! A professional trainer and clinician, Ellie O’Brien has been a longtime friend and support to me in my horsing life, and we both share the passion of how to work with our horses in a way that preserves their natural spirit and curiosity.

When I first decided to bring Dee under saddle myself, I went through Ellie’s Start Your Own Horse Course (highly recommended to anyone in a similar position) and we spent many hours chatting about different approaches, techniques, and ways of going about things. In this episode, we discuss what inspired Ellie to put together this course in the first place and the different considerations that go into working with a horse from the beginning.

Another thing that I find particularly fascinating is how it is we can encourage our horses to release tension in subtle and non-invasive ways. Ellie tells an amazing story of a troubled horse she worked with and how he inspired her to a slightly different approach that she’s developing as her mind and body technique.

All that and more in this week’s episode!

If you want to find Ellie, you can do so via the links below!


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