Stepping Outside The Control Model: Rider Biomechanics From A Nervous System Perspective

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Those of us interested in the art of horsemanship and riding find ourselves on a constant quest for harmony; a way of being and moving with our horses that allows both of us to find an ease of movement not only in our bodies, but also in our minds.

My adventures into the nervous system have led me to some specific understandings of how the nervous system impacts our movement, and how we can use this knowledge to not only move through the physical challenges that we experience as riders, but optimize our balance and effectiveness in the saddle.

This involves letting go of models of control and embracing ways of working with the body that honour its inherent wisdom and capacity for ongoing adaptation.

In this episode we discuss:

  • The relationship of biomechanics to the nervous system
  • The role of the unconscious and conscious brain in movement
  • How we can use these understandings to work with the body rather than against it

I hope you enjoy it!

You can learn more about my work by visiting my website at

❤️ Jane

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