Going through the Brave Bucket Challenge has prompted me to post a reminder about the importance of Big Little Things.
Case and point:
It can be a split-second ride between feeling kind of stoked with yourself and then feeling embarrassed that THAT is the thing you feel stoked with yourself about. The conversation in your head might go something like this:
Oh yay! Me and TimeBomb just trotted, whoot! But it was only a trot. I can’t believe that’s all we are doing. Trotting. That something that simple is something that I thought about celebrating for a moment. Is this what I’m reduced to? Everyone else out there is qualifying for the Olympics and I’m having a good day if we manage to get the trot going? Sheesh. I need to get a grip and get some perspective.
You are correct, you DO need to get perspective. Celebrating where it is you are on your journey with your horse is not something to be ashamed or embarrassed about. It may not be where you want to end your final chapter, but that doesn’t mean that where you are isn’t completely valid and worthy of celebration.
We become our own joy-stealers when we refuse to acknowledge the good in what’s happening and prevent ourselves from creating momentum behind better feeling and experience.
You celebrating your Big Little Things gives others permission to do the same.
And hopefully, the day is not too far away when we realise that the whole dash gone lot was really just a linked chain of Big Little Things anyway that we’d grouped together in our mind as that one big thing we call life.
❤️ Jane