“I Don’t Have Enough Time”: The Liberation Of Facing Your Time Limitations

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Hands in the air if you feel like you never have enough time?

This “time conundrum” is something that I’ve wrestled with for a long time and has created a lot of stress and struggle along the way. I recognize now that my own relationship with time has been caught up in a somewhat toxic relationship with people pleasing patterns, the need to get things right, and that somehow my self-worth was inextricably linked to how much I could get done in a day.

What’s more, the idea of being endlessly busy is something that is socially supported and as a result, normalized.

But at some point, this no longer cut it for me. I was sick of juggling balls and feeling like more balls were being thrown my way.

So instead, I threw all the balls on the ground so I could step back and ask myself, what’s happening here? Do I really have no choice in my experience? How can I renegotiate my relationship with time so that I could release this feeling of being overwhelmed or flat out bonkers?

In this episode we discuss:

  • How your nervous system impacts your relationship with time
  • How embracing your limitations is a liberation
  • How the ability to make choices and be decisive impacts your experience of time

I’d love to hear your thoughts! Happy listening!

❤️ Jane

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