An Adaptable Nervous System Can Hold Many Experiences At The Same Time

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An adaptable nervous system is a nervous system that has capacity to hold the result of many experiences at the same time.

Capacity also allows for the ability to hold many truths, and to be in conversation with these truths rather than consumed by them.

Being consumed by a single truth leads to dogmatic opinion, and rigid and inflexible thinking.

A lack of capacity reflects in an inability to release your own position, in the knowledge that it is always available for you to return to, whilst allowing for another point of view to be held.

Capacity and nervous system adaptability is what allows for dialogue in every sense of the word. To dialogue with our own emotions. To dialogue with different parts of ourselves. To dialogue with each other without seeking to cancel out, override or overpower.

Capacity is being able to hold a sense of embodied dignity in the midst of challenge and difficulty and to offer that to each other also.

Pictured is a fluffy Baby Ada who carries a certain peacefulness inside her.

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