✏️ 25 Notes To Self: An Advent Calendar of Self-Reflection 🌷 ✍️ 5/25 On Kickback

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This one has stung at times, but here’s the thing you have to remember:
Standing up for yourself…
Operating within your own integrity…
Creating a boundary where one may not have existed before..
… is not necessarily going to be met with a round of applause.
…does not mean that the situation you find yourself in the midst of will become easier.
…is usually massively uncomfortable.
But in spite of all of that, it still doesn’t mean you are doing the wrong thing.
That feeling you get after standing up for yourself when it feels hard to do so? It doesn’t mean you’re heading in the wrong direction.
It’s the energy of reconfiguration.
Gather what you need. Take a breath. And ride it out.
❤️ Jane
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